★Simple Poker HELP★

●For Poker●

And then start the game by tapping the " Game Start " .
Card will be back when you tap the card you want to change .
If you tap " After ... times " ,
I will change the card that is in the back .
I can challenge up to three times .
" Poker End " is displayed at the timing of poker has been completed .

Tap to reset and start the game from the beginning .

Type of card: (A~K) ♠(A~K) (A~K) ♣(A~K)

The strength of the card : ←Weak     2, 3, 4, 5 ・・・ J, Q, K, A     Strong→

●Poker role list●

Royal straight flush Straight and flash with a value of 10 to A (example: 10, J, Q, K, A with a heart pattern) 650,000 point
A straight flush Straight and flush (example: 2,3,4,5,6 with heart pattern) 70,000 point
Four of a kind Two with the same number and three with the same number (Example: 2,2,3,3,3) 4,000 point
Full House 4 pieces with the same number (example: 2,3,3,3,3) 700 point
Flush All 5 suits (patterns) (example: all heart patterns) 500 point
Straight 5 consecutive numbers (example: 2,3,4,5,6) 250 point
Three of a kind Three with the same number (example: J, K, 3,3,3) 50 point
Two Pair Two pairs with the same number (eg 2,2,3,3,9) 20 point
One Pair One pair with the same number (example: 2,2,9,7,5) 5 point
High Card Lost 0 point

●For double up●

Double up is a game to double the score is successful .
If you fail to double up, your score will be 0 points .
Result of poker , I can challenge in more than one pair .
When playing on an iPad, the option "No" is not displayed, but
You can cancel by tapping the outside of the popup.
Card of up to 2 ~ A is displayed .
"UP" , If you feel strong and from the card that is displayed
" DOWN" , if you think you are weak from the card that is displayed
Tap the " STOP " if you want to cancel the double up .

Note:Update the score at the time you tap the "STOP" .

●For My Ranking●

Display My rankings by tapping
The icon in the left side high scores .

●About deletion of high score●

If you want to remove the high score,
By deleting the app and reinstalling it,
The data will be reset.